Monday, October 11, 2010

Cell Phones and Brain Cancer?

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With new evidence on the dangers of mobile phones, we examine the worrying risks you're NOT being told about
By Tom Leonard
Last updated at 10:23 AM on 6th October 2010
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Timebomb? A new book claims we have underplayed the threat from mobile phone radiation for too long
Could mobile phones be giving us brain cancer? And has the ­mobile phone industry spent years trying to bury the ­scientific evidence that it does in order to protect its ­$3 trillion, 4.6billion-­customer, global business?
According to Devra Davis, an eminent ­American scientist and one of the country’s leading epidemiologists, the answer to both these questions is a resounding ‘yes’.
With mobile phone use soaring, especially among the young, Dr Davis says we could face a ‘global public health catastrophe’ in as little as three years if the problem is ignored.
Mobile phones are low-powered radio ­frequency transmitters which produce ­microwave radiation.
The debate over the cancer risks from this radiation has been going on for years. Yet the lack of any conclusive evidence has allowed the industry to claim phones are safe and led to sceptics being dismissed as scaremongers.
But now the alarm has been raised by an award-winning academic and toxicologist who was in the group that won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.
So should we think twice before clamping a mobile phone to our ears?
In a new book provocatively titled ­Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, What The Industry Has Done To Hide It And How To Protect Your Family, Dr Davis says we have underplayed the threat from mobile phone radiation for too long.
She says: ‘Is it possible that the pervasive use of mobile phones is causing a host of ­subtle, chronic health problems, damaging our ability to have healthy children and creating long-term risks to our brains and bodies?
‘The fact we do not have clear answers to this question at this point in the history of electronic technology is not an accident.’
Dr Davis says crucial scientific evidence, some of which has existed for decades, has been ignored - particularly that involving experimental research on animals and human cells.
Her work includes supporting research from studies in the U.S., Sweden, Greece, France and Russia. For example, a team at the ­University Of Washington found that just two hours of mobile phone-level radiation splintered the DNA of brain cells in rats, making them ­similar to cells found in malignant tumours.
In humans, the evidence is less dramatic, but equally worrying.
In Moscow, a study has found that while the brains of children who regularly use mobile phones look the same as the brains of those who do not, users have poorer memories and other learning problems.
Dr Davis, who is a grandmother, is worried about the effect on ­children, arguing that their thin, pliant skulls make them more vulnerable.
Last year, the Finnish ­Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority warned that regular use of mobiles could damage children’s brains, ­confirming previous warnings in the UK, France and Israel.
Dr Davis believes children are ‘growing up in an unprecedented flood of radio frequency signals’. She says they should only use mobile phones in emergencies. ‘The dangers for children are not definitively proven but do we really want to risk it?’
The most troubling research, she says, threatens male fertility. Research in seven ­countries, including the U.S., China and Australia, suggests that keeping a switched-on mobile in a trouser pocket can have a ­drastic effect on sperm count.
‘All the research shows the same thing - if you take young men who are trying to become fathers, those who use mobile phones at least four hours a day have about half the sperm count of others,’ says Dr Davis. ‘Sperm exposed to mobile phone radiation in the lab is sicker, thinner and less capable of swimming.’
Using a mobile for four hours a day sounds a lot, but Dr Davis says 20 per cent of the young males in a 2008 study, by America’s Cleveland Clinic, used their mobiles for this long. However, her most compelling evidence about the health ­dangers, and that mobile phone manufacturers are probably aware of the risks, is buried in the small print of the ­instructions that ­accompany every new phone.
Those for the latest BlackBerry (the Torch), warn users to ‘use hands-free ­operation if available and keep the device at least 0.98 inches from your body (including the abdomen of ­pregnant women and the lower abdomen of ­teenagers)’ when it is switched on.
Apple tells iPhone users to keep them 0.625 inches away from their body and to point the dock connection towards their ­shoulders ‘to increase ­separation from the antenna’.
Dr Davis says at least two ­senior scientists who work for mobile phone companies told her they were ‘deeply ­concerned’ about the health risks. Insiders say phone manufacturers are now developing safer models.
Many studies looking into the cancer risks of mobiles have been inconclusive.

Revealed: How other gadgets affect your health
In May, the hotly-anticipated Interphone report for the World Health Organisation drew no conclusions, but suggested that heavy phone users could be at risk.
The research team was divided about their findings, but that didn’t stop the UK-based GSM Association, which represents the global mobile industry, from deciding the report supported a consensus that there was ‘no established health risk’.
Dr Davis specialises in how the environment affects our health and wrote a book about how the tobacco ­industry was not ­initially ­honest about the links between cigarettes and ­cancer. Similarly, she says, the debate in Britain over the ­dangers of asbestos lasted a century.

She insists the mobile phone industry has behaved the same way, working, often with ­government help, to ­discredit independent scientists while ensuring that others toe the line for fear of losing their funding.
‘Those studies that have been paid for by the industry tend to find that there’s not a problem,’ said Dr Davis. ‘Studies that are ­independent - while there are fewer - tend to show there is a problem. I don’t think that’s an ­accident. This has had a chilling effect on the ability of policy-makers to form policy.’
She said the debate has been distorted by a ‘show me the bodies’ approach to evidence.
But it is too early to expect ­mobile phone users to develop brain tumours, she said.
The same slow development of problems occurred when the Hiroshima bomb survivors were tested: after ten years ­researchers found no evidence of brain cancer, but 30 years later many cases were found.
While defenders of the safety of mobile phones point out that official statistics show the ­incidence of brain cancer is ­falling in countries like the U.S., Dr Davis says people ­typically don’t develop it until they are over 65 and, at present, people in that age group have not been big mobile phone users.
‘The absence of an epidemic right now is hardly cause for great relief,’ she says.
In most countries, heavy mobile phone use is recent. Even in Scandinavia, home of many of the world’s biggest mobile phone makers, only half the population owned one in 2000.
Dr Davis finds it ­frustrating that there are ­simple ­precautions that users could be ­taking. She says ­fashion will have to adapt, with people keeping phones in bags and the ­knee-level pockets of cargo trousers, well away from their ovaries or testicles.
Her book, ­published in Britain next month, has already been ­challenged in America over its science. But Dr Davis doesn’t ­dispute that mobile phone radiation is weak - she stresses the cumulative effect on people using phones for several hours.
Her solution is for a ‘major, independent research ­programme, not a fake one like those we’ve had for decades’.
As for her own habits, she has cut down her dependence on her mobile but still uses one.
‘We’re as dependent on mobile phones as we are on our cars,’ she says. ‘They do a lot of good - they save lives in emergencies - but we have to be smarter about how we use them.’

Read more:
Dr. Martin Blank speaks about Cell phones, cell towers, the associated health effects that can lead to cancer. He also talks about how the cell phone industry has corrupted scientific studies. He is a contributor to the Bioinitiative report.
Know what is EMF (Electromagnetic Field)?

Osidun-Can Reduce More Than 95% Of Radiation From Your Computer & Electrical Appliances!

Your Health Determines Your Future.


-Environmental Friendly.


Harmful Effects of Radiation

Nowadays electro-magnetic radiation has become the fourth largest pollutant in the word. Any electric appliance with AC can produce electro magnetic radiation. the low frequency radiation caused by computers and home appliances are harmful to human body. As people do not come into close contact with home appliances, the hazards caused by them are less. However, the radiation caused when using the computers cannot be neglected because it can seriously harm the human body.

Computer radiation is very real, folks. And also real is the fact that it isn’t healthy on the long run (the scary truth? Increase in risk of cancer. The less scary truth? Skin burn and insomnia). While there are no actual reported cases of anyone getting serious injuries from computer radiation, getting it curbed wouldn’t be harmful either.

And while you may try protective skincare products, have a few cacti around or drink green tea by the gallons, Powerlink has their OSIDUN Computer Radiation Reducer. What this little device does is simple; it reduces the radiation of its surrounding area, presumably with its own frequencies. Working it is simple enough. One simply has to connect the Radiation Reducer to a power socket and then to a PC via USB. The surrounding area will have its radiation removed.
The Computer Radiation Reducer looks unassuming. We were expecting something big and bulky, but the Radiation Reducer is just about the size of a Nintendo OS, and can easily be carried around. The face has three LED indicators, with the power cord port at the top and the USB cable at the bottom.

We ran our test with a radiation detector, which probes the strength of low and middle frequency of radiation, to a test bed of a full desktop PC setup. Naturally, our radiation detector detected a large amount of radiation from the test bed, pronounced on its display screen and its urgent beeping. We then plugged in the radiation reducer to both PC and power socket and voila; the beeping stopped and the radiation counter fell to zero.

Impressive to us is that the radiation isn’t only reduced to the connected device, but also devices in the surrounding area. The actual range isn’t so easy to determine, but we got up to 4 – 5 feet before the radiation detector starts beeping.

Editor Note: There’s no other way but the radiation detector to find out if the radiation is reduced, but whether for the sake of health or simple peace of mind, the fact that this device can reduce radiation in a surrounding area makes it worth getting. It’s a whole lot better than cacti.

No Place to Hide – 可怕的电磁波


电磁波由电场( Electric field)与磁场(Magneticfield)组合而成。任何电器皆须电流来操作。当电器被启动时,如吸尘机,有关电器及输送电流的电线就会产生电场与磁波。高压电缆(High tension cables)也可产生强大的电磁波。电磁波的强度依电压(Voltage)与电流( Current)的大小与距离而定,一般上以毫高斯(milligauss)来计算。当电器的开关被关上而停止操作时,磁波也消失无踪。但插在电座的电线的电场仍然存在,电场以伏特/米( volt / meter )来计算。



但仍然有不少拥有《良知》的科学家将研究成果公诸于世,以提高人们对电磁波的危害的醒觉。但因无广告利益的关系,且怕得罪电器厂商, 故媒体多不刊登,造成了解电磁波的大众少之又少。

瑞典 – 卡洛林斯卡(Karolinska Institute)研究院(后称卡院)的报告
卡院曾于1960年至1985年进行一项长达25年的研究,目标是要找出高压电线所发出的电磁波能否对人体造成伤害。研究对象为 431,560位居住在距高压电线不超过300公尺的居民。研究成果发现,长期暴露在 3 毫高斯电磁波的儿童,白血病罹患率提高3.8 倍。成人在2毫高斯以上,罹患急性骨髓炎及白血病的机率增高2倍。

卡院乃非吴下阿蒙,它负责审核遴选诺贝尔医学奖得主。它的研究报告具世界权威性,非常可靠与值得信赖。(EMF 2 – P22)

美国 – 南施。沃尔赛玛(Nancy Wertheimer)博士的研究
沃尔赛玛曾任职美国科罗拉多大学(University of Colorado)的流行性病理学家。她对多个居住在丹佛(Denver)的儿童死于白血病事件感到悲伤与纳闷。为了要找出原因,她毅然决定自费进行研究。从卫生部收集了344名因白血病病逝儿童名单后,从1976年开始,她风雨不改的拜访因白血病去世儿童的悲伤家庭。她骇然发现,这些亡童的住家前多竖立着悬挂多条含数千伏特(Volts)电缆的电柱。电流就通过电柱上的变压器(Transformer)将高压电转为110/220 伏特的家用电输入屋内。她配合物理学家李培(Ed Leeper)将研究成果发表在1979美国病理期刊 (American Journal of Epidemiology)以揭露下列事项:

1.暴露在2 – 2.6毫高斯间磁场的孩童罹患血癌,中枢神经系统癌症(脑部肿瘤)及淋巴癌的风险提高 2.5 倍。
2.孩童住在靠近高电流设施配置得癌的可能性是控制组(住家不靠近高电压的儿童)的2 到3倍。
(沃尔赛玛女士已于2007年聖诞节去世,享年80。她在研究期间,由于经费缺乏,少人资助,故常须工作,筹集经费以继续她的研究。为了世间从生的健康,她的任劳任怨,不屈不挠的精神,令人感动。让我们永远怀念这位伟人。)(EMF 5 – P 204)

波斯顿大学(University of Boston)医学院的派翠西亚库根(Patricia Coogan)博士的一项研究揭露工作接近电脑主机和其他产生强力磁场设备的妇女得乳癌的风险上升。工作暴露于高电磁场的妇女得乳癌的风险提高 43% 或1.5 倍。(EMF 1 – P 275)

16 倍的癌细胞增长率
美国德萨斯大学(University of Texas)教授 Dr Wendell Winters曾做过一个有关癌细胞的试验。他把癌细胞暴露在 60 周波的电磁波中 24 小时后发现癌细胞的繁殖率提高 1600 % (16倍)。而这繁殖率是永久性的。这就是说当电磁波被移开后,癌细胞仍然持续1600 % 的繁殖率。

过后,Dr Wendell Winters 与 San Antonio 癌症研究中心的Dr Jerry Phillips 合作进行同样的研究。研究的成果与前次的一样。(EMF 5 – P206)

乌克兰的一位研究电磁波专家乌斯卡雅博士指出长期在电脑荧幕(Video Display Terminal)前作业的职员的免疫力要比没在电脑荧幕前作业的职员低50 %。(这可能使到淋巴白血球无法压制癌细胞,爱滋病毒,A 流感病毒的繁殖。。。而最终导致病发身亡。)(EMF 3 – P83)

1.美国加州的凯撒医院(Kaiser Permanente Hospital) 曾于 1988年进行一项大型研究,对象针对暴露于电脑电磁场的1583名妇女,发现一星期使用电脑终端机20小时以上的怀孕妇女,流产的机率提高两倍,且下一代先天性缺陷的比率提高。(EMF 1 – P 277)
3.长期在电脑荧幕前工作的怀孕妇女在每一百万怀孕次数中(怀孕人数) 增加了320,000 至420,000的流产次数。
4.产出的畸形婴儿在每百万怀孕次数中增加了336,000 次。(EMF 6 – P113)
1998年6月份世界权威医学期刊柳叶刀(Lancet)报道德国的一项研究揭露手机的电磁波可增高血压5 – 10 mm Hg 汞柱。(EMF 6 – P93)

1.德国爱深大学(University of Essen)2001年的一项研究发现经常用手机的人患上眼癌的机率提高3倍。(EMF 6 – P92)
2.纽约时报(New York Times)的职工因在电脑前工作患上白内障而控告纽约时报。纽约大学(New York University)眼科专家 Dr Milton Zaret在供证时证实有关职工患上的白内障是由电磁波造成。(EMF 6 – P115)
3.俄罗斯电磁波专家沙迪克瓦于1974年报告称:“长期在电脑荧幕前作业的员工患上白内障等眼睛异常症状增加。”(EMF 2 – P85)
4.1987年日本眼科医药协会曾进行一项研究揭露在194名受电脑磁波影响的员工中,90% 有近视,散光或远视。24 % 出现视网膜剥脱,青光眼症状。(EMF 2 – P208)
德国慕尼黑大学(University of Munich)2000年的一项研究发现电磁波可对睡前以手机通话者的睡眠品质造成不良的影响。(EMF 6 – P93)

电磁波与婴儿猝死症(Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)的关系
罗德岛(Rhode Island)的医科主任 Dr William Sturner的研究发现死于婴儿猝死症的婴儿所分泌的一种与呼吸有关的荷尔蒙退黑激素(Melatonin)很低。这可能是造成婴儿猝死的原因之一。(EMF 5 – P259)

由脑中松果体(Pineal gland)分泌的血清素(Serotonin)与 退黑激素(Melatonin)与情绪有非常密切的关系。偏低的分泌量可导致患者情绪低落,忧郁,精神失常,什至有自杀的倾向。
1986年,瑞典-卡洛林斯卡研究院Dr Marie Asberg 的研究发现体内血清素(Serotonin)偏低的人,自杀的比率偏高。(EMF 5 – P264)

电磁波与疲劳症候群(Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)的关系
1.疲劳症候群于1982年被发现,当时医学界推测与Epstein – Barr 病毒有关。症状为严重疲乏,免疫力低落,喉咙易发炎,淋巴结肿痛,轻微发烧,精神不易集中,情绪低落,心理紊乱等。但 San Francisco General Hospital 的 Dr. James Cone认为疲劳症候群与电磁波有关。他发现北卡里佛利亚州(Northern California)的电子工业城矽谷(Silicon Valley)的员工患上疲劳症候群的现象相当普遍。(EMF 5 – P253)
2.美国纽约大学(University of NewYork)的 Dr. Robert Becker 教授发现患有严重疲劳症候群的人从充满电磁波的城市迁居到偏僻的乡区后,病情大为改善。原因可能是乡区的电磁波很少。(EMF 5 – P253)


下面简列较常用的家庭电器与它们操作时所发出的电磁波强度,数据只供参考,并非100 % 准确。
同类电器可因电流的大小影响电磁波的强度。如1200 watts 的吹风机所发出电磁波的强度大大高于 600 watts 的吹风机。
(测量单位:毫高斯 milligauss – mG)

从上列资料看来,要尽量避免电磁波的危害的最低风险距离为3英尺。但不可掉以轻心。对高电力的电器如电烫斗,吹风机,电动刮鬍刀,热水器,吸尘机等电器仍须拉开更远的距离以策安全。电磁波与人体接触的强度最好不要超过 1 毫高斯(milligauss)。


1.迁居到远离城市无人烟的深山里去过着‘远离一切颠倒梦想’的写意生活。 和尚都不去,你能吗?(和尚不去只因山里动物野兽听不懂和尚讲佛经。)
2.电磁波是什么东东?一切随缘,得空时就多唱陈雷名曲《欢喜就好》。反正目前医学非常发达,且已购得高额医药保险,怕什么?(曾获提名诺贝尔奖的 Joel Wallach 博士曾进行一项调查发现美国人平均寿命为76岁,美国医生平均寿命只有 58 岁。你愿意让比你短命的医药专家治疗你的疾病吗?你对他有信心吗?)
a. 迁居到远离城市无人烟的深山里去过着‘远离一切颠倒梦想’的写意生活。和尚都不去,你能吗?
b. 购置房屋时须选择离高压电缆至少一公里的住宅区。别买外面有电柱挂着变压器与电线的屋子。
c. 少用手机,用时长话短说,免握最好 – 你少说几句,没人说你是哑巴。
d. 拜俄罗斯人为师,不用微波炉,丢掉吧,千万别捐给慈善机构去害人。
e. 在家或工作地点或公共场所使用电器时,确记保持3英尺的低风险距离。可带支3尺木棒随时测量如你不怕别人骂你神经病。
f. 使用吹风机(可怜的美发师),吸尘机,电烫斗,电动刮鬍刀等高电电器时,尽量缩短时间因生命苦短。
g. 少驾车,因煞车器(brake)处及以上空间有高磁波。是否常常觉得脚软无力而跌打医师告诉你得了风湿病而向你推销了一大堆补肝补肾的风湿药?(可怜的德士,巴士,罗里司机。)
h. 如你住的是排屋,你坐或睡的地点靠墙,你的邻居在墙后置放了一台大型电视机,每晚煲連环剧到半夜,强劲的电磁波穿墙而过。。。怎么办?问 Superman 吧,因他能飞。
i. 搭 LRT 电动火车上班够快又準时。请小心由电轨道发出强大的电磁波。免得到办公室时患上精神恍惚症,进错厕所被责博懵,其实你是无意的。
j. 那么,戴个高贵的石英表(Quartz)总可以吧?当然可以,但请您用高斯测量仪(gaussmeter – 测电磁波仪器)测过后才戴吧。免得说我不够朋友。